January 6th I will celebrate my first year as Mable High. It's been a great year with many affirmations and promises for what is yet to come.
So, what am I doing with myself these first days of the new year? Resting, organizing and cleaning. Getting geared up for whatever God has in store. I know He has some amazing things, things I have never even thought about, dreamed about or even prayed about. How do I know... because that's just Who He is and just how He operates.
I am not planning on stepping into the Wellspring new year until I return from The Cove. The Cove.... I can hardly wait! Several years ago, Martha Gillen and I were heading back home from a speaking engagement in Laurens. As I shared my Ecuador mountain story, Martha was very moved. In a few days I found myself her guest for lunch. As we sat and talked, she shared the story of "the mountain of God". She and the small group God had assembled had been the previous year and this year, God had invited me. She had heard Him say "invite Susan" and had actually invited another friend that she thought He was talking about. Her friend prayed and said that she didn't feel like it was supposed to be her. When I shared my story she knew that I was the intended Susan.
When we arrived at the conference room where we would be meeting, we all saw that Martha had made each of us a box that told the stories of our lives. I was most impressed because at that time I barely knew Martha.
You might remember that last year we were to actually take a pair of dancing shoes for an evening with the Lord in the Chapel at The Cove. You might also remember that I have gone not so whole hearted the past two years. But after it was all said and done, I am so glad that I was there. From the time I came back off that mountain last year,I have anxiously waited this January's trip. We hadn't been back even a week it seemed when Martha was already asking questions and giving assignments for the new year. As emails started whirling back and forth I told her if she had any extra spots, I would love for Christine, Madonna and Tracy to be invited. I also included that as much as I would love to have them there, I knew it was God's place to do the inviting... not mine. Her response, God had already told her to invite them and my response was her confirmation. Now the real kicker to this years trip...
God has made the theme, the topic... Wellspring Living SC.
That's right, Wellspring LivingSC!
I don't let myself think about it too much or too often. I can hardly imagine what God has planned. I do believe it will be my commissioning service for the mission He has called me to. That's the real reason I'm not jumping into a lot of stuff before the 15th. I certainly don't want to get in front of Him on this one!
The only thing I am thinking about... which song do I want to offer to the Lord in the chapel this year as my wave offering.
You can bet that you will hear about it all in the days that follow our trip!
In the meantime, I hope and pray that you and your family are well on these cold, cold days.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Mable!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Tuesday, January 05, 2010
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Susan , I wish you all the best.
Jackie Mc
I'm glad that you won't be traveling alone; especially if there is any prediction of SNOW!
Were you SURPRISED at what the topic is going to be?
Where did the name "Mabel" come from?
I will be praying for you that special weekend! Soak it all in. I know you will.
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