Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy New Year Wellspring!

As of today, January 7, 2008 I began my first official day
of reporting to work at Wellspring Living SC.
After many years of praying and praying some more,
some official baby steps have been made.
This is a portion of my journal entry for the day...
Where will I go?
What will I do?
Only God knows because I can say with confidence...
"I know the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and benefit me"
He alone knows the plans that are before me today.
He alone is the builder of Wellspring Living SC, I am simply His apprentice,
waiting to hear from Him.
As Confucious once said... "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Although many steps have been taken on this journey, the step represented by today's reality, will give concentrated time and energy to making the vision a reality.
Today representd a new beginning of a thirty-hour work week with MTCC and two days a week devoted to Wellspring LivingSC (WLSC).
Today I was able to attend a workshop hosted by the Spartanburg County Foundation.
Gretchen would be proud to know how many times I wrote in my notes "thank you Lord for Gretchen and the gifts and knowledge she brings with her". I may be able to make us pretty, but hallelujah she's the one that will keep us legal.