Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Father Knows Best.... really HE does!

Many of you my age will remember that TV show from way back in the day. I couldn't tell you everyone that starred in it, well I can only name one - Danny Thomas.
Oh well, on with the story for today.

Remember how I have fought the Lord concerning the Cove the past few years because I thought I knew what was best for me? This year I didn't fight at all, and the truth is from the time I came back last year, I knew I wouldn't fight Him any more on this. Too bad that may not be the case for all my "yet to comes"!

I was right on the one thing I had guessed He had planned for the weekend. It was indeed my commissioning service for the Wellspring call. I tasted the sweetness of realizing that He indeed does know best... in all things.

One of the last things we did was the actual commissioning. The laying on of hands and words tenderly spoken in love. As each woman came up and prayed over me, they also read God's Word that He had given for the occasion. To hear these women that I had fought so hard against was very humbling. To realize that for whatever reason, this was indeed a case of Father Knows Best. To be honest, I cannot imagine a more fitting group to share the occasion with.

I thought of an old rhyme after I got home...

Make new friends, but keep the old
Some are silver and some are gold

...now it's just a little bit harder to tell the old from the new!

It has really caused me to stop and ask what other things in my life am I holding onto because I think I know best? I pray Thee Lord Jesus... loosen my grip and help me to trust you more and more each day.

There was a lot more that happened on that Great Mountain of God... but those will be other stories for other days. Days after my heart and head have processed them all!