Monday, October 5, 2009

Many questions... one answer...

Many of you know that I have resigned my position(S) at Middle Tyger Community Center after eleven plus years of employment effective at the end of what is known as DFFM CHRISTMAS. It has been one of the best experiences of my entire life. The thing I love most about MTCC... the people. Wanda has been an inspiration to watch and to love. Of all I hope to take from Wanda... her grace towards others no matter what the circumstance.

There is an endless list of names that have come and gone through the years. Tammy, Piper, Lynn and Kim are the ones that left a mark on my heart that have gone on to other callings in their lives. I am blessed to have known each and every one of them. That leaves us with the ones that I will be leaving behind... wow. I love each and every one of them too. MTCC contains some of the smartest, most clever, most compassionate women that I have ever encountered. It has been an honor to serve side by side with them over the years. And with James too! Hallelujah I never had to wear his hat too often... I might have left sooner!

In the years since the calling to Wellspring came back in 2003, I have felt a lot like Moses. Learning things at MTCC that will be most useful. In recent days, it's been feeling a little more like Noah. I guess no one had ever seen a boat, certainly not one of mammoth proportions. They too, had never seen rain. But for one hundred or so years, Noah labored in preparation for what was to be. I'm sure he answered many questions and people thought him foolish.

So here are some of the questions...

Q: Do you have a house yet?

A: NO!

Q: Do you have a store yet?

A: NO!

Q: Do you have coaches lined up?

A: NO!

Q: Do you have counselors lined up?

A: NO!

Q: Is there money to pay you?

A: No!

Q: Are you crazy?
A: NO!

Q: What will you do all day every day?

A: Not sure yet... but I do have a few thoughts below...

After years of waiting on the Lord, He made it abundantly clear in New York that the tables had turned and now He is waiting on me. I don't have all the answers, as a matter of fact I only have one... II Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all
times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good
Knowing and believing that God indeed has called me to this, I have but one option. Follow.
Where would the faith be if I already had an answer to even one of the questions?

Like Abraham... God said go - he went. He had no answers, just a heart to follow. He never built a home... but every place he set up home in a tent he did build an alter unto the Lord. That says a lot about what Abraham thought to be most important.

I know that life as I know it may never be the same... but who is to say it won't be better? Better may not mean easier... but as long as I am walking hand in hand with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - what could be better?

Maybe you know that you are to be involved but don't know how. Invite a group of friends over and we can have an evening of celebrating God through sharing the Wellspring story and what is yet to be. Do you have a women's ministry at your church? I would love to come and share.

I do plan on working with some other area ministries who are already making a difference for women in the Upstate.
I will also...
Believe God is Who He says He IS
Believe that God IS ABLE to do what HE says HE CAN DO
Believe that I am who God says I am
Believe that I can do all things through Christ Jesus
Believe that God's WORD is alive and active through me

So, there you have it... The Susan Georgeanna Lister Metcalf High Game Plan 101
with a little encouragement from two rounds of Believing God with Beth Moore.

Love you all and hope that you too will answer whatever He is calling out to you to BELIEVE HIM for today!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome home soldier! Welcome home!

Today I was just sitting at my desk doing my job. We had been told that a staff members grandson was coming home from Iraq. She was hoping that he would stop by MTCC and see her. A while later our volunteer said "here he is." I thought she was talking about another volunteer who was bringing food from Costco, which we were anxiously awaiting too.

About that time a handsome young man walked through the doors of MTCC wearing his camo, followed by many other excited family members. We clapped as he came through, then I had the pleasure of walking him down to the child care room where I found his grandmother sitting in the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of him when he entered our parking lot.

I held the door while he and his entourage went in to greet her. I stood there a long time watching this sweet, long anticipated embrace. I was almost to the point of sobbing over the joy that this reunion brought.

I don't know this young man, but was so moved by the joy of him making it home safe and sound. I was reminded of the scripture that talks about all the rejoicing in heaven when a sinner finds their way home. Wow. I bet Jesus and that heavenly host show out like we wouldn't believe.

Today, I sit here waiting on some loved ones to come home from a war too. And I too will shout and say, welcome home soldier, welcome home.

Friday, August 7, 2009


That's South Carolina verbage (where I come from anyway) for coincidence!

I am of the persuasion as a Christ follower, there are no co-ink-e-dinks. These random things you encounter seem to have no connection ... then one day they connect and a puzzle is complete. Then you realize even more that all your puzzles are connected. OMG! You realize it is really only one giant puzzle and you have just connected another piece in one little section.

You get the drift. I want to share a most recent co-ink-e-dink!

For a month or so when I would start to type an email to my director Wanda Fowler instead of her last name popping up, Wanda Cromer would pop up. I wondered and still do, where Wanda C. came from. How did she end up in my Groupwise email? I had concluded it must have been from a popcorn order I placed with Cromer's in Columbia. That made sense.

Monday, at lunch for Spartanburg area women's ministry leaders, my friend Ruthi and I were getting things set up when a lady walked in. Ruthi said "Susan, do you know Wanda Cromer?" So, indeed, she did not pop up from a Cromer's popcorn order!

Finally! I know who Wanda Cromer is!

I shared the Groupwise story. Then she shared her story. Then I shared another story. There were hugs, there were tears...

...there was God.

Many of you may or may not remember the little tiny part of the Wellspring story... Wellspring (the Mother-ship[Atlanta]) began after the women who had joined together in 1999 for the planning of Just Give Me Jesus. As a result of the bond they formed in the time leading up to the conference, they continued to meet together. Out of that fellowship... well here we are.

Wanda Cromer is very involved in the outreach for Just Give Me Jesus that will be coming to the Bi-Lo Center, March 19-20, 2010.

So you decide for yourself.... CO-INK-E-DINK?
I think not.

CO-INK-E-DINK that I just happened to be at the Living Proof Live Conference (Beth Moore) in 2003 that was sponsored by Wellspring?
I think not!

CO-INK-E-DINK that I knew Wanda Cromer's name before I ever met her?
I think not!

CO-INK-E-DINK that you are reading this this very moment?
I think not!

CO-INK-E-DINK that God maybe just connected a few pieces of your never-ending puzzle?
I think not!

If you would be interested in joining the planning and prep going on right now, or would be able to share information at your workplace, church or where ever you have a circle of influence...please visit:

or get in touch with me by leaving a comment on this blog post. Leave your contact info there, it will not be published. I would be glad to get you materials to share!

BUT.... be prepared for a CO-INK-E-DINK that just might change your life... you will be forever glad that you did!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The first of many...

It is really happening! Somebody pinch me please. No! Don't!

This Friday, June 12, Wellspring Living SC will be holding it's first ever fund raiser!

We will be hosting a purse sale. None of which would be possible without all the hard work put out by the Middle Tyger Community Center staff over that past few weeks (or longer). MTCC hosted the purse sale last weekend and graciously gave us all the ones they did not sell.

Gretchen and I were poised to clean out our storage building to make room for the nearly 400 of them when Cindy Sanders approached me and suggested that since Friday was a Wellspring day for me and she was not at MTCC either... we should join forces and have a little Wellspring sale.

That of course brings us to another milestone... our first volunteer at a non-conference event!
I guess I'll have to create a volunteer form and start tracking hours!
A few other notable things to mention...

We have received our Article of Incorporation and last but certainly not least...
our request for not-for-profit status is almost ready to be mailed!!!

So "Mother-may-I take one giant step?"

Oh... if you are in the area, the sale will be Main Street in Duncan across the street from the Byrnes High School Senior Parking lot. Friday 8-4 and Saturday 8-Noon.

And if you are in to God bringing a lot of things full circle... the Wellspring Living SC thing all started with a phone call from a friend in September 2003 saying "we have three extra tickets to see Beth Moore in Atlanta this weekend, do you know anyone who might need them?"

We will be selling the purses in her front yard. Thanks JoAnn, and we didn't even know then what would happen because of that phone call.

Love you all!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I’m sorry.

I did not want to go here, but I feel as though I must.

So, I think I’ll start with two words from Merriam-Webster.

Abomination (Abhorrence; disgust)
Haughty (Scornfully and condescendingly proud)

Now, let’s see if I can find these two words in the Holy Writ.

Oh… here’s one - If a man also lie with mankind, as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Is that where we get the notion that the sin of homosexuality is worse and more contemptible than some of the sins, I, myself am guilty of? If not, then someone please tell me where it is noted that this is the sin to end all sins. Because I can remember Orr, Minnesota way back in 1973, (I think). It was church camp and I can remember learning theses verses while I was there. Notice both words are in this section of scripture.

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

As noted in my last post, that sin was pretty disgusting (and there are more). Me thinking I was above the Word of God. It has always been my understanding that sin is sin. They all stink, no matter how big or small. Each sin, in one way or another seperates us from God.

So if I think my sin is less offensive to God than say a sin of homosexuality… it seems as though I am condescendingly proud (haughty).

I would like to ask, have you ever had a friend or relative who was gay.

Did you love them less?

Did you avoid them?

Did you tell them they were going to hell?

Where is the love in that?

I met my first lesbian when I was in high school. She sat next to me in some class that I cannot remember. I do however remember that she would sit and stare at my feet. One day, she touched my foot. Then she started calling me on the phone. She shared that she had “feelings” for me. I told her I wasn’t interested. I didn’t hate her, she was my friend.

When I was a Senior in high school, I worked with a young woman that became a very good friend. We were having lunch together on day when she told me she had something she really needed to tell me. She was afraid that when she told me, I would hate her. I remember the question I asked… “are you an atheist?” I told her that was the worst possible thing she could tell me. And if that wasn’t what she needed to share, then we were ok. Yep, she was a lesbian too. I remained friends with my co-worker until she moved to Florida.

If I know my Mama, she probably just said to herself… “I knew there was something about _ _ _ & _ _ _!”

Then sometime in the eighties, I had a cousin who was my age that died of Aids. I remember being so impressed with how his circle of friends rallied around him and cared for him. I always wondered if the church where he grew up as a child ever reached out to him. When we were in high school, he played the lead role in Jesus Christ Superstar. I wrote him a letter right before he died and reminded him of the role he had played and the love of the true Jesus Christ.

I know more than one person who grew up in church with my kids that are now living this lifestyle.

I had a friend tell me once that people had told him he was going to hell because he was gay.

Here again, if God’s Word says that a person is going to hell for that lifestyle, please share the scripture with me. I was of the persuasion that you only went to hell if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

A few weeks ago at MTCC, I was walking down the hall with a man from a gay & lesbian church in our area. As we walked down the hall, I was trying to figure out in my head how that works. Don’t they know what the Bible says? Then I realized, I guess that would be like a church full of alcoholics, prostitutes or people whom withhold their tithes from God; you know… a church with a kindred spirit. Then I wondered if they had tried church with the rest of the family of God and it just didn’t quite work out for them.

I guess I should close by saying… I am not in favor of gay rights. I am not a proponent of that lifestyle. I am a Christ follower. They are sinners such as me, no more, no less. Many of them are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

I think He wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Ok. I know He does.

Regardless of who or what they are, or where they come from. . .

They too, are created in His image.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)

Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Come now, let us reason together...

hey are
Do you have something in your life that would just cause you to die if people, especially your peeps found out? Well, I have had one of those things in my life for sometime now. It's one of those things God and I work on, it seems like it will be OK, then before you know it... it's back like it always was.

Once I stopped by the church on my way to work to just worship and praise the Lord. Upon entering the sanctuary I started my music and was just having the best time. Then I felt drawn to the Bible on the pulpit. It belonged to my friend John Moore, left from the day before. I opened it up and when I saw where it opened to, my praise turned to tears of sadness and despair over what God had just shown me. That same old sin once again... argh!

So, I addressed it for a little while, then fell back into the same old me.

Same old, same old - time after time.

Then came November 2008. We were issued a challenge at church. Guaranteed to work... or your money back! Hub challenged us to (here it comes, the revelation of my secret) tithe for three months. At the end of the challenge if we didn't feel like we had been blessed by doing so, he would refund our money. Now, I hope you know I didn't take the challenge to get the refund.
Tell me why after all these years... I believe it took! There was something different. I don't know why, but I know there is.

So in the weeks that passed by I was blessed. Blessed in ways I never could have imagined.
One thing that blew me away was a friend that I had not seen in three years stopped by to sponsor me in an upcoming event. I kept telling her "no", but she insisted. I was about to say no one more time, when it seemed as though God said "take the money, it's from ME!"

Then I had decided I needed a set of twin beds for my grand babies as they grew older. A few days later, another friend called to see if Wellspring was ready to accept donations. I said yes. But when she told me what she had to donate, I asked if I could buy them and use them instead.
Twin beds! She gave them to me, mattresses and all. Perfect, just perfect.

Then about two weeks ago I knew God had given permission for me to go to Brooklyn with WBC on their summer mission trip. I'll be staying with three of my favorite young ladies from youth trip days. One of which happens to be my youngest daughter, Sarah. The icing on the cake is I'll will be at the Brooklyn Tabernacle Tuesday Night Prayer Service on my birthday! I cannot wait. If you remember my last birthday story on a mission trip.

And these are only the stories I will tell about. There are a few other things that have completely blown me away, like nothing ever has before. Those stories will come after God has written the end of them. - Stories you won't believe!!! But worth the wait - I guarantee it!

But here is the sweetest part of this particular story. I had a meeting with the Milestones staff and before I talked with them about Wellspring, I had to share about my blessing from tithing. I only shared about the lady coming to see me at work. Two days later, Hub called to see if I would mind sharing at church - both services. I said yes, because God is such a wonderful God, how can you not tell of His greatness?

Now it seemed kind of funny, here I was not wanting my closest friends and family to know my shameful secret, and now I was going public with it. That is so God!

After I said yes, I guess God figured it was time to discuss the Paul Harvey of this whole thing.

It was like He said, "Now Susan, can you explain to me one more time why you thought you didn't really have to tithe".

I had decided that I would give God all the time He needed, that I would go and do and give Him any of my talents that He could use and I could keep my money, after all, I did need it more than He did. Right?

That made sense to me. Until He asked the next question.

"Susan, do you realize what the bigger problem is here?"

Oh my gosh! I had no clue. I never knew that I had so much pride and arrogance in my heart.
It was like I had decided I was exempt from God's law. That's pretty bad.

Now tell me how that even made any sense? Looking back, it's like "what were you thinking?"

You know, I always thought God would deal really harshly with me for the sin in my life. That was the biggest lie I believed. Once we got started, He was ever so gentle with me. It was a very sweet, a very tender unfolding of my heart and the contents thereof. Almost like He was saying, "would you look at what I found in here!"

So, on Sunday April 26, 2009... I came clean. And it feels sooooooo good!

I knew I would have to write and share the story. The hard part was what to call it. Then on Tuesdays the 28th I flipped the old faithful Max Calender and there it was, Isaiah 1:18.

How fitting, "come let us reason together". It was especially sweet for me because it reminded me of the days when I was a little girl. My daddy would put the paddle in his pocket and we would walk out into the woods behind our house and sit on an old tree that had fallen. He never would take that paddle out. He just talked, and we reasoned together.

Ahhh God.... thanks for the talking to. I think I got it now, now that I understand the heart behind the action.

I love you, thanks for being patient all these years.

This is me standing next to a piece of the Berlin Wall.
For a long time now, I have wanted my picture made there.
The wall coming down... that was a day we never thought we would see, so it was with my sin.

Hallelujah! God is big enough to knock any wall down!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

National Dance Day

Just in case you thought you had an excuse, not any more!
It is time to dance.... feel like it or not.

If you have never danced before the Lord or with the Lord... try it, you'll like it!

I would add the link, but am doing this post at lunch from my official work location ... so I don't have those at my disposal right now!

Here are a few favorites~
If you are in the mood for ballet,I recommend "It is Well" by Crystal Lewis.
That one is great to do indoors, or in the privacy of the moonlit night sky.

If you are in the mood to be swept away, I recommend "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe, or "Praise Adoni" by Paul Baloche.

Last but not least... if you like a little hip-hop, I recommend "Lose my Soul" by Toby Mac and friends.

And, if you don't like any of these and have an ipod, just set it to shuffle and let Jesus be the Lord of your Dance today!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'll repeat myself ONE MORE TIME...

Just in case you missed my post three times ago, let me stress the point one more time!


Whatever IT IS!!!

This past weekend my heart was so broken over something very near and dear to me. I was mad all day Sunday, cried all day Monday. During my morning prayer time on Tuesday, God said... lay it down and be glad about it.
So, I did. I let go of it. I told the Lord, as far as anyone knew, I would be agreeable and happy about the situation... even though He knew better.

As the week progressed, I asked God to do one thing for me concerning the situation at hand.

As a result of honoring Him and letting go of my control... I got the biggest Ephesians 3:20 to the max that I have ever gotten on anything.

God did what only GOD CAN DO.

Had I held on and tried to control it and make it go my way, it would have been mean, ugly and resulted in a killing for all I know.

BUT GOD! ! ! Woo Hoo....

So one more time for the road.... Sling that sucker down and run ... run... run to the arms of your sweet Lord who is there waiting to bless you more than you even thought about asking for.

G U A R E N T E E D !

Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebrating 4:20

Many people will be glad that today is 4:20.... a day to celebrate the cannabis culture.


Well, that doesn't hold a lot of excitement for me personally.

But here are some everlasting 4:20's that do.

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words
Proverbs 4:20
Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet,
join us there. Our God will fight for us!"
Deuteronomy 4:20
And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones
they had taken out of the Jordan.
Joshua 4:20
The tree you saw, which grew large and strong,
with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth,
Daniel 4:20
At once they left their nets and followed him
Matthew 4:20
For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."
Acts 4:20
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God
Romans 4:20

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power 1 Corinthians 4:20

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, Philemon 4:20

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar.

For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen,

cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

1 John 4:20

To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen

Philippians 4:20

The good thing about God's 4:20.... they will never be gone in a puff of smoke... everlasting and eternal!

Now that's cause for celebration!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Once upon a time, in a land far away...


God reminded me today of one of the most profound things He has ever done in my life. Maybe I have written this account here, maybe I haven't. If I have, please excuse the fact that I just have to tell the story one more time
The year I turned 49, I had the awesome pleasure of spending that very day in Patate, Ecuador.

As preparation for the trip, my co-workers gave me cards to open everyday while I was away. It was great. Included in the bundle was one from my friend Kim Hautamaki. As a matter of fact, I couldn't leave work until she returned with hers. When she handed me the envelope, she explained that out of desperation she finally just opened her Bible and placed her finger on a passage after praying and praying for God to give her a verse.

Maybe not the most theological way to give encouragement. But you know what!? that was all God needed - a willing finger!

While we were there, we heard stories of earthquakes that had destroyed many things that once stood on the mountainsides where we were assigned to work during the week.

This was the location of my groups daily visit. Someone in the village gave this land. We tore the house down, a church stands there now.

Well, me being the "granny" of the crew, there wasn't a lot I could do. One thing I did daily, was walk around the property and read scripture and pray over what was yet to come. As the children ran and played around me, I prayed over them, believing they are the
future leaders of the church in that village, claiming all that God has for them.

I opened Kim's card on Sunday, read it and tucked it away. The week after returning home, I opened it, read it again and almost passed out!
This was the portion of scripture covered in her card...

LORD, You are my
God; I will exalt You. I will praise Your name, for You have accomplished
wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.
2 For You have
turned the city into a pile of rubble, a fortified city, into a ruin; the
fortress of barbarians is no longer a city; it will never be rebuilt.
Therefore, a strong people will honor You. A city of violent people will fear
4 For You have been a stronghold for the poor, a stronghold for the
humble person in his distress, a refuge from the rain, a shade from the heat.
When the breath of the violent is like rain against a wall,
5 like heat in a
dry land, You subdue the uproar of barbarians. As the shade of a cloud cools the
heat of the day, so He stills the song of the violent.
6 The LORD of Hosts will prepare a feast
for all the peoples on this mountain — a feast of aged wine, choice meat, finely aged wine.

7 On this mountain He
will destroy the burial shroud, the shroud over all the peoples, the sheet
covering all the nations;
8 He will destroy death forever. The Lord GOD will
wipe away the tears from every face and remove His people's disgrace from the
whole earth, for the LORD has spoken.

After reading it for the second time... I almost passed out! I almost cut a cart wheel (well my spirit did)!
It was kind of like hearing a sermon on Sunday and thinking it doesn't apply to you, then realizing, it was straight from the heart of God to you!
Read verse 6 again.

If you know the story, I hope it excites your heart again too!

You see, our last day in the village, the villagers prepared a feast for us. Their finest foods, collected from all the village families. It felt like God, Himself had prepared this place at the table for us. As we sat there, the village elder came in with his finest bottle of home made wine.

It was there, that i realized this very day was indeed my birthday.
As we pulled back into the camp, there suspended in the sky was the biggest, thickest brightest rainbow I have ever seen.

It was like a kiss from heaven... just for me.

It wasn't until I was home that I realized God fulfilled that verse to the fullest.
So my friend, whatever you may be going through... know that God controls more than you can see, more than you can know. Just know THAT HE IS... and that is enough!

Thank you Lord, that You love each one of us enough. Help us to take the time to look back and see where we have been with You, what You have said, and what You have provided. To know that that scripture was for this day in time.... mmmmm I love you so Lord!!!

You bless my heart much more than I deserve!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Letting go

You know there are some things that are so precious in life you have to hold onto them very tightly. Right? That's true if it's your skirt on a windy day, or maybe an umbrella when it's pouring rain.

But what about something really dear, say a family member, or the hopes and dreams you've been praying over for years. I have found out that the best place for all that is not in our hands at all. When we grip "our stuff" with all we have, there's no way to receive all the things that need to come our way. You know.. like the answer to our prayers.

I guess the first time I really learned that was was back when, standing on our front porch around two a.m. To anyone passing by or peeping out their window, I probably looked more like a lunatic howling at the moon. But what else is there to do when you don't know what else to do? So that morning I was trying to figure out just what direction to face to sing my praise to the face of God. That was back before the days of the ipod. So it was just me and my voice singing "Shout to the Lord" from a broken and weary heart. As I turned to go back inside, it was like God whispered to my heart, "give him to me completely, and live from this time forth like I have answered your prayer."

Wow! If you have never tried it, let me strongly suggest it. You have no idea how great it feels to be out from under the load. That was probably nine years ago. I am still living like it's been done. And let me tell you - the day it is you will know it! I may even rent a bill board on 85! The one thing that has made it easy not to pick it back up is quite simply... the WORD of God.
I bet if counted the many words of confirmation He has given me, it would amaze even me.

Recently, you have heard me talk about my trips to the Cove with me kicking and screaming. Mainly, because I had a prayer group and I wasn't in the market for a new one. But this past Saturday, the Cove Sista's were going to get together to surprise Martha with a few goodies for her upcoming mission trip to Africa. As the week progressed, it seemed as though many of the group were under attack. So we gave up breakfast at the Cracker Barrel for a lengthy prayer time instead. Our time together was a joyous time. As I sat in this circle, I was so glad I had let go of the notion that my heart was only big enough for one group. When God whispered the name "Susan" to Martha, she went to another friend first, but the other friend said God didn't mean her. During a conversation that Martha and I had, God whispered "this Susan". Oh Praise His Name! I let go of a few and now I have a whole bunch! God multiplied, made it immeasurably more!

Just last week, I let go of another dream. THE HOUSE. Not the whole idea of Wellspring, but I let go of Dr. J's house. I know there is another ministry looking at the home. It would be a home for African orphans. So there, I released that into the Lord's hands too. If I can trust him with my precious son, my prayer group, I know I can more than trust Him with this. Whatever He allows to occupy Dr. J's home will be awesome.

So, are your knuckles white because of what you're holding on to? Maybe, it's time for you to think about letting go, and trusting God with all your stuff!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mine eyes have seen the glory!

This past week our family joined together to share our memories and console one another as we said goodbye to one great lady. We knew her as Grandma Margaret around our house. Once upon a time I was married to her oldest son, Phillip. He died at the age of 34, in 1984. I always admired the way she handled his death. I know her heart was more broken than mine. After all, she was his mom. But you know, she never showed her grief to me. The only thing I remember seeing was that she carried on for her grand kids who had lost their dad. Jenn was only 6 and PJ was not yet 3. It was a hard time for sure.

Then in 1986, I married Ray. In 1988, Sarah was born. Margaret and the rest of the family accepted Ray and Sarah as if they had been born into their family. Isn't that so like God? In the past few years I came to realize that it may have been easy for Margaret to turn a hard heart toward Sarah. After all, look at what had been taken that allowed her to be here.
But, Margaret loved her, and held nothing back.
I never told her, but I was so thankful that she loved Sarah with her whole heart. Who knows, maybe Sarah helped piece her own heart together a little bit more than it had been.

It was right before Margaret's funeral began that I got a glimpse of the Glory of the Lord.

This is how it came about~

My little grandson Sam was in my arms. He had folded his little program into a cylinder that he referred to as his trumpet. We walked over toward PJ and Sam began to say these words...

your God is with you,

he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17

To an untrained soul, that might just appear as a little kid rambling on and being silly. But to someone who believes God is at work in all things, it was music to my ears and my heart.

1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared
for those who love him."

Now it doesn't say that we won't see, hear or understand some things until we get to heaven. I think we need to be on the lookout at all times. Because we serve a God who can make it thunder and lightening during a snow storm! Who knew?
He can do anything.

He can use anyone. Even a little 3 year old to proclaim His word.

I believe that His Word did not return back to Him on Sunday afternoon until it accomplished His purpose. From the foundation of the world God had a purpose for Zephaniah 3:17 on Sunday, March 1, 2009.

I am just glad that God allowed me to witness it.

So be on guard, look for Him in all situations, in all places, from all people!

And by the way... happy birthday Phillip.

Monday, February 16, 2009


From Keds to Keds and then some.

Who says I don't believe in evolution?

It just depends, evolution of what!

Way back when, probably in 1999, during one of the hardest times of my life, I pulled out an old pair of Keds that Jenn had given me for Mother's Day. I'm guessing that she gave them to me before 1996. So they were well worn by 1999. I deemed these Keds as my "dancing shoes". I told the Lord that on days when my heart was too heavy and my spirits too low, I would wear these shoes as an acknowledgement that He was worthy of my praise. They were in essence, my fighting shoes. It was a way to let my enemy know that I might feel defeated, but my God would never be defeated.
I enjoyed these dancing shoes from 1999 until the summer of 2007. I had actually worn these to a planning and prayer service to pave the way for the Broken to Beautiful Women's Conference that Wellspring Living SC was hosting in October. When I opened my closet that morning I asked the Lord... "What would you have me wear today?" His response immediately flickered through my heart... "Well, your Jubilee Skirt and your dancing shoes of course!" As I left home, Ray commented that I looked like a clown. Maybe I did, but who cared, because I had been dressed by my Lord and that was what was important.

Little did I know that He had a surprise in store for me.

My friend Christine made a presentation to me at the proper time...

A new pair of shoes for a new season in my life. Can life get any better than LIME GREEN dancing shoes? You would think not. For two years these have adorned my feet, and even on the days when I don't have on my dancing shoes, my toenails are usually always lime green to praise the Lord because He is worthy. To me, it is a perpetual statement of praise.

So now, on to the fun part of the story....

Do you remember a few posts back when I shared about a recent trip to The Cove?

Not only was I invited to come to the Mountain and dance... part of the assignment was to bring a pair of... you guessed it ~ DANCING SHOES!

Since it was virtually a last minute decision to go, I wasn't sure about needing new dancing shoes. Having two pair already, did I really need another pair?"

I decided to take just one trip to see what was out there. Knowing in my heart, that if new shoes were on the agenda, I would recognize them as soon as I saw them. For some reason, a picture of this really pretty pair of lime green dress shoes with cute little heels and thin strappy straps filled my thoughts. I went to store after store with not one glimpse of anything that seemed even a remote possibility. Only two store left to visit - TJ Maxx and Burlington.
As I entered TJ Maxx and found the rack holding my shoe size, I saw them. It was all I could do not to cause a commotion. I grabbed up the shoes and hoped no one was watching as I slid my foot into the first shoe. Why did I even have to try it on? I knew, without a doubt that it was a match made in heaven.
I may not have doubted, but it wasn't what I had in mind. So I went on over to Burlington to give God just one more chance. All I can say is, it was a wasted trip. Upon entering the store, I asked myself, "who are you fooling?" "Go get the shoes!"

How could I have ever thought there would be anything better for me than these?

I will say, I have moved up from Keds...

All the way to Lime Green and Turquoise Blue SATIN CONVERSE ALL STARS!

Have you ever seen such? Who knew they made anything like this? Certainly not me!
If you ever thought God didn't have a sense of humor, think again!

Here are the other girls shoes too...
And just in case you weren't aware of this...

The official colors of Wellspring Living SC just happen to be lime green and turquoise blue.

Thing about these shoes, they were first worn as dancing shoes, but I knew in my heart all along they would become my running shoes.

This is a portion of the property we are believing will be the home of Wellspring Living SC.
Last week, I went to the property and prayed, and praised and prayer walked. Now, can you imagine me trying to do that in the shoes I had pictured in my heart? I would have mired up ankle deep!

And here are the shoes at the front door! Now that's a reason to dance!


Have you ever danced?


No, not at a party, not with your beau, but with your Lord.


You may have noticed a few sweet songs playing in the background. They are a few of my favorite dance tunes.

Nothing would suit Him more than to have this dance with you!

Go ahead, you don't have to be dressed up, no make up...
you see, He loves you just as you are.


You are His prize.


The apple of His eye.


Go ahead, let yourself fall into His strong, caring arms. Those cares and worries you've been carting around for too long... will melt away as He leads you in the dance of your life.

Before you know it, you too will have your favorite songs that are just between you and Him.


Gotta go ~ they are playing our song!

Friday, February 6, 2009

An over inflated ego and/or the squeaky wheel

Sorry to start out the same way again this week, but God continues to use Beth Moore over and over. I promise I don't limit myself to just her studies!
In a recent lesson this is what she wrote...

"God always trumps Satan.

Never picture the two of them

as equal but opposite authorities."*

Now when I read that it caused quite a ruckus in my heart.
How about yours?

Satan with his oh-so big picture of who he is may have distorted your view of how big your God is. It is true that the squeaking wheel always gets the oil. There have been times in my life when he really did get the oil. Once a whole bottle of it! Anointing oil that is. Probably not what he had in mind.

After reading the words penned by Beth, I started thinking how big is our God and how small is the devil. I just started thinking and wondering...

If all the carpet in my house represented the vastness of God, would Satan even be one strand?
If God was the Grand Canyon, would Satan be as big as the smallest pebble?
If God was the Andes Mountains, would Satan even be a leaf off of one tree?

We could go on and on... but you get the point. We have no earthly idea how big our GOD IS!

Satan is always tootin' his own horn and because he has such a big mouth (Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. I Peter 5:8). He knows if he can distract us and turn our focus to him, we'll forget who we are in Christ, we'll forget the power that we have through Christ, we'll forget that God is for us and not against us.

So, if the Devil has you in a tailspin over something going on in your life...
Be reminded of all the times God has been there for you in the past. Henry Blackaby refers to them as spiritual markers (Experiencing God). Remember when you trusted Him for your salvation. Go back into His Word and remember all the times you have had with Him. Let His love wash over you fresh and new.

Here is a little something I learned from another one of my favorite Bible teachers (see, I told you there were others), Andrew Womack...

"don't tell your God about your problem -

tell your problem about your God!"

I like that!
Our God is more than we can imagine.

It's a good thing we get new stuff when we get to heaven. Because I am convinced that our brains won't be able to contain the vastness of His glory and majesty when we get our first glimpse.

Oh how I hope that if when you started reading this today and were a little or a lot overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life, that as this post draws to a close... God has lifted your spirits, your hopes. That you have sensed Him speaking a truth over you. A truth that says HE IS ABLE.

In addition to BEth, Henry and Andrew, I have also discovered Louie Giglio. Be reminded of the Great God we serve...

* Esther, It's Tough Being A Woman . p73

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mean girls and the like

If you've never had the pure pleasure that comes hand-in-hand with a Beth Moore Bible study, here is one to get you sarted... Esther - It's hard being a woman. If you are familiar with Beth - get ready because she is absolutely hilarious in this one.

It's been a while since I've done a study with any of my close friends. So it was a treat this past Tuesday morning to sit side by side with my friend Madonna. This weeks topic was "mean girls". I know that this will probably come as a shock to at least one person reading this... but I have been "the mean girl" MORE THAN ONCE in my lifetime.
As Beth talked about reasons that people were mean, I started thinking about the mean people that I knew since I was over my mean season. One of the questions she asked was "who is your rival?" Well, as far as I know - I don't have one. Then she started talking about those insecurities that lie at the heart of most meanness. Insecurities?

Oh, that hurt. I was reminded of a time when there was this woman in my Sunday School class. She thought she was something. All pretty and thin and blond. Perfect husband, perfect children... and on and on it went. You know the type. I would call her to try and enlist her help with GA's, and without even praying about it she told me "no". Not once, but twice! Well who did she think she was anyway?
Who knew God had told her to pray for me? The woman with the attitude. And pray she did. Then one day she came to me and handed me this scarlet cord. She had felt led to go to a conference, and while she was there, she knew without a doubt that she was there to stand in the gap for me. The cord was for my son PJ. That was back at the height of our discovering an out of control drug problem. As you can imagine, my heart began to melt. As I got to know more about her, I realized that God had called her into a season of prayer and not a time of activity (like GA's). As the days and weeks passed, our friendship grew.
Sitting there this week and listening to Beth talk about insecurities and rivals... I just about laughed out loud at the irony of it all. Yes, once upon a time I had a rival. I was insecure. That was then... now I'm blessed to be sitting by her during the Bible study and being glad that God told her to pray and she did ... like it or not! ! !
Moral of the story... who is your rival? Watch out she may become one of the best friends you've ever had!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Just when you think you have it all together...

someone changes the rules of the game. Or, better yet, did I really know and understand them to start with? Last weekend I had the wonderful privilege of traveling to The Cove in Black Mountain, NC. This was my second year to travel with this particular group. I will have to confess... I went kicking and screaming, protesting for the last few months. I had decided that when I went last year, I did as God told me to and that was an assignment checked off the list. They could go and have fun, but not me, not this year. Right Lord??? Wrong Dummy (me)!

As I sat in line at the county tax office to pay my car taxes, I decided it was past time to clean out all the little nooks and cranny's that seem to fill up so fast with bits and pieces of my life.
There was mail from the week still laying in the floorboard that had never made it into the house. There was this little Christmas card and as I opened it, these are the words that grabbed my heart...

Come away with Me, my beloved
Come and enjoy a candlelight dance on the Mountain with me

Now, if you know me at all... you know He had me at "dance"!
And had me He did. As the time to go up to this Mountain of God drew closer, my heart grew more ready to be there. All I can say is "what a fool I was". I told the "Cove Sistas" that Susan had been crazy not to want to be there, but look out next year because Mable was already counting down the days until we go again.

I won't tell all we did, because after all it was a date, and nice girls don't tell all! But I will tell this one eye-opener, because I do believe it will end up changing my life in ways I never dreamed of.
Late Friday night after we had all had our dance, we gathered in one of the rooms to pray. We started about 10:30 and went until about 2:15. Martha, our fearless leader, had instructed us to share our requests. Our scribe, Dana, read the ones from last year. And for the most part... they were the same requests. But I'll go ahead and say.... next year, I don't think that will be the case at all. Nope, I think they'll all be checked off and we'll be moving on to a new list!
Martha shared what it means to intercede. I always thought it meant that we just prayed for other people and their needs.

Miriam Webster has this to say...
the act of interceding 2 :
prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another

But when Martha shared what she believes is the true definition, it went more like this...To stand in the gap for, to pray as if you were that person.

And hearing that, many of us in the little group gave it our best shot. But then, oh, but then, Martha prayed. It was the most amazing prayer I had ever heard. It brought me to my feet... and then some. (Some things are better left to the imagination!)

Martha took on the heart for the one whom she prayed.

Before I went to the Mountain, I gathered things of significance that belonged to my mom and dad, my husband, my children, their significant others, my grand babies, and a few close friends and their families. It was sweet to pray over them on that Mountain of the Lord. But I knew I wasn't finished. So today, before I started to return the items, I laid them all out and began to intercede over each person as I held their item. The best thing to say is I now have a headache because I have cried so much today. No doubt, the sweetest headache I have ever had.

And on Day One of President Obama's first day in office, it was really neat, not to just pray for him, but to intercede for him.

Remember this one...

Hebrews 7:25 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Therefore He is always able to save those who come to God through Him,
since He always lives to intercede for them.

Today I have a fresh and new perspective of just how Christ intercedes for us. Maybe you already had an understanding that I just received. If you did... why didn't somebody tell me before now? And if it's a new way of thinking for you too... oh - go and give it a whirl. You'll be ever so glad that you did!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A new year, a new day, and oh - how about a new name too?

It's been a while, too long. But it is so good to be back! I had planned to devote the last few weeks of November and all my December work time to District Five Family Ministries' Christmas Project. And what a project it was this year. The number of children we served jumped from 720 to 1044. It about did us all in but Glory to His NAME... HE DID IT!

So I have some Wellspring days banked and the plan is to CHARGE into the New Year full steam ahead! Way back in the day when I came home from that eventful Beth Moore Conference in 2003, I attended the staff meeting at WBC and shared my heart with the staff. A few days after that, Cory Singleton gave me a book by Andy Stanley ... Visioneering. I read through the first few chapters and decided it was TMI for me at the time. Last night I picked it up and thought now is the time to finish reading. As I re-read the chapters that talked about going public, I knew I had passed through those stages. Then came the chapter on the power of the vision. It spoke of the vision given to Abraham, the call given to he and Sarah, the way that Christ spoke to the vision He had for Peter and Paul. He had given them each a new name as part of their calling. I cried as I prayed... Lord... IF Wellspring Living SC is your vision and not some grand idea that seemed like a good thing for me to do... will you give me a new name? I had thoughts that He would awaken me during the night and whisper the name. I was prepared to record His words with pencil and paper by my bedside. When the alarm went off this morning, I was a little disappointed that there had been no revelation. But you know what His word says in

Habakkuk 2:3... For the vision is yet for the appointed time;It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail Though it tarries, wait for it;For it will certainly come, it will not delay.

As I opened Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, turned to January 6 and there it was. It was created with my little piece of paper that was my scripture promise from the Broken to Beautiful Conference that I read every day. So without further adieu... see if you can see it too...

M ABLE... I just started reading and I almost missed it. Then it was like those first five letters caught my attention. Mable? I thought Mabel wasn't the kind of name I had in mind. Something more elegant, with a little more sass to it. I ran to the computer to see what it meant. The Latin meaning is "lovable". That was nice, but then I saw the English meaning, and am glad to be called Mabel - "My beautiful one".

As I picked the book up again and moved the paper I read these words ... I AM Able to do far beyond all you ask or imagine. Words found in Ephesians 3:20... my very own life verse for the past 24 years!

So.... on this new day in this new year, I pray that this girl. Mable's life will be everything that God intends for it to be each and every new day for the rest of my life! I praise you Lord for the assurance that this is Your vision and your calling for such a time as this.