Friday, July 22, 2011


Heaven help, because I cannot even remember how long ago it was that I first participated in“Believing God” written by Beth Moore. The first time I did it, it was only available on line (and still is). We didn't even have a computer at home. So when I finished a lesson, I would go to an unnamed location (don't want to incriminate the guilty party here) and listen on line to the video.

It was several years later that Stacy Stokes led a Believing God study at Wellford Baptist. It was one that I loved so much, I did it again.

One assignment we had during the study was to have some sort of blue bracelet on our right arm. The scripture reference for the bracelet comes from Numbers 15:37-39.

The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'Throughout
the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments,
with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so
you will remember all the commands of the LORD, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes.

I’m not really sure what my first bracelet looked like. Stacy made my second bracelet. It was a blue cord with some blue beads on it. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find my first one. I know for sure where No. 2 is. I also remember wearing it until it broke off my arm.

So there went my blue bracelets.

In 2007 I met Betty at The Cove. She’s part of the Sista Group that makes a yearly pilgrimage to the Cove in January. It’s a very small and intimate group. The first year that I was invited to go, I barely knew any of the women and have to say I went kicking and screaming. I kept telling the Lord that I had enough girlfriends and didn’t need any new ones. Then I realized that it wasn’t about the girlfriends as much as it was about me and Him… the girlfriends were like the dessert with the main course.

I was impressed that Betty had a blue bracelet on. It had been several years since the study had made it’s rounds, so I knew she had worn it for a while.

Year two, Betty still had on her blue bracelet.

Year three, Betty still had on her blue bracelet.

Year four, I was not able to go to The Cove.

Betty and me year one... snowing!

I did recently see Betty. It was two days before her faith became her sight. Two days before she came face to face with her sweet Savior. Her days of believing were over.
She believed in Him and believed Him until her dying day.

I couldn't see her bracelet when I visited her in the ICU. They had what appeared to be boxing gloves over her hands to keep her from disturbing all the vital accessories that she was now adorned with.

But I knew it was there. They had tried to take it off of her wrist when she was admitted.
It didn't work. She refused. I am thankful.

Betty was an inspiration to anyone who ever met her. She had health problems, but that never quenched her irrepressible spirit. I only, ever spent four weekends with her. But knowing her has changed my life.

So for today and all of my tomorrows I plan on having some sort of blue something or other on my right wrist. Why? Because I was believing God then for some mighty big things. I still am.

How about you.
Did you believe God for something and give up or decide it wasn't coming your way?
Or… did your bracelet just break?

Ray and I were in Charleston when I received the news about Betty. From then on, I knew that before we came home I would have me a new bracelet.

God IS Who He says HE IS
God can do what HE says HE will do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
God's WORD is alive and active in me