Sunday, December 28, 2014

Flying Pigs and Frozen Hells… Don’t grow weary in praying or believing.

We've all had things in our lives to which we respond, “Yeah right when pigs fly or hell freezes over”.  This morning at Milestones Church I had a sweet reminder that I have actually experienced flying pigs and a frozen hell.  It happened so far back I cannot even tell you what year it was…somewhere between 1998 and Y2K.

I had hurt a friend so badly and I knew she was not the forgiving or the forgetting kind.  What I said to her may or may not have been true, but it wasn't really necessary. She was one of those rare friends that you feel like you have known forever at your first meeting and even if months or years passed since seeing each other, it was like no time at all. 

It was during what we referred to as II John at Wellford Baptist Church.  John Moore was making his second appearance as our pastor. He had preached about prayer on a particular Sunday with a suggested way for keeping it real.  So I devised the 2 @ 1:00 approach.  Every day at 1:00, I would go stand next to the mailbox at MTCC and pray for the same two things.  One shall remain nameless (although God answered that one too!) One was that my dear friend would forgive me.  I called her one day to ask for her forgiveness, she said she did, but I knew her words meant nothing.  

She probably said yes so I wouldn't call back.

At some point during all of this, Beth Moore was making her way to First Baptist Columbia for a weekend conference. We loaded the church van and off we went.  We found great seats on the right hand side of the balcony.  Once we all got settled and Travis and Beth welcomed us, imagine my discomfort as I looked across the sanctuary, and there she sat, directly in front of me on the left hand side of the balcony; she had gone as a guest of her mother-in-law.  Friday night, Saturday morning came and went... then Saturday afternoon happened. Travis started singing “Thank You”. My friend Christine was praying, but I didn't know it at the time.  The song started the second chorus; I jumped over two rows of seats to get out.  My heart was pounding so hard; I was going to ask her one more time to forgive me.  As I rounded the last corner of the balcony hallway, I looked up and she was running to me.  We hugged each other and were crying like the two crazy people we are.  

That day pigs flew.

What a reminder to me this morning as we sang that song, not once, BUT TWICE! 
For flying pigs and a frozen hell!  

I knew God was reminding me; don’t give up believing the things that I have told you were coming.  Hold on keep praying.  I thought of all the things written in the back of my Bible that were written by promptings of the Holy Spirit. All the promises of God will come in God’s time and for that my heart is grateful.

So don’t you grow weary in whatever you've been praying for, remember those sweet WORDS in     2 Peter 3:9…The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness. 

He's always an ON TIME GOD.

Since Travis sang it before "social media" was even in our vocabulary, I couldn't find his version, but Hillsong does a great job too!