Monday, February 16, 2009


From Keds to Keds and then some.

Who says I don't believe in evolution?

It just depends, evolution of what!

Way back when, probably in 1999, during one of the hardest times of my life, I pulled out an old pair of Keds that Jenn had given me for Mother's Day. I'm guessing that she gave them to me before 1996. So they were well worn by 1999. I deemed these Keds as my "dancing shoes". I told the Lord that on days when my heart was too heavy and my spirits too low, I would wear these shoes as an acknowledgement that He was worthy of my praise. They were in essence, my fighting shoes. It was a way to let my enemy know that I might feel defeated, but my God would never be defeated.
I enjoyed these dancing shoes from 1999 until the summer of 2007. I had actually worn these to a planning and prayer service to pave the way for the Broken to Beautiful Women's Conference that Wellspring Living SC was hosting in October. When I opened my closet that morning I asked the Lord... "What would you have me wear today?" His response immediately flickered through my heart... "Well, your Jubilee Skirt and your dancing shoes of course!" As I left home, Ray commented that I looked like a clown. Maybe I did, but who cared, because I had been dressed by my Lord and that was what was important.

Little did I know that He had a surprise in store for me.

My friend Christine made a presentation to me at the proper time...

A new pair of shoes for a new season in my life. Can life get any better than LIME GREEN dancing shoes? You would think not. For two years these have adorned my feet, and even on the days when I don't have on my dancing shoes, my toenails are usually always lime green to praise the Lord because He is worthy. To me, it is a perpetual statement of praise.

So now, on to the fun part of the story....

Do you remember a few posts back when I shared about a recent trip to The Cove?

Not only was I invited to come to the Mountain and dance... part of the assignment was to bring a pair of... you guessed it ~ DANCING SHOES!

Since it was virtually a last minute decision to go, I wasn't sure about needing new dancing shoes. Having two pair already, did I really need another pair?"

I decided to take just one trip to see what was out there. Knowing in my heart, that if new shoes were on the agenda, I would recognize them as soon as I saw them. For some reason, a picture of this really pretty pair of lime green dress shoes with cute little heels and thin strappy straps filled my thoughts. I went to store after store with not one glimpse of anything that seemed even a remote possibility. Only two store left to visit - TJ Maxx and Burlington.
As I entered TJ Maxx and found the rack holding my shoe size, I saw them. It was all I could do not to cause a commotion. I grabbed up the shoes and hoped no one was watching as I slid my foot into the first shoe. Why did I even have to try it on? I knew, without a doubt that it was a match made in heaven.
I may not have doubted, but it wasn't what I had in mind. So I went on over to Burlington to give God just one more chance. All I can say is, it was a wasted trip. Upon entering the store, I asked myself, "who are you fooling?" "Go get the shoes!"

How could I have ever thought there would be anything better for me than these?

I will say, I have moved up from Keds...

All the way to Lime Green and Turquoise Blue SATIN CONVERSE ALL STARS!

Have you ever seen such? Who knew they made anything like this? Certainly not me!
If you ever thought God didn't have a sense of humor, think again!

Here are the other girls shoes too...
And just in case you weren't aware of this...

The official colors of Wellspring Living SC just happen to be lime green and turquoise blue.

Thing about these shoes, they were first worn as dancing shoes, but I knew in my heart all along they would become my running shoes.

This is a portion of the property we are believing will be the home of Wellspring Living SC.
Last week, I went to the property and prayed, and praised and prayer walked. Now, can you imagine me trying to do that in the shoes I had pictured in my heart? I would have mired up ankle deep!

And here are the shoes at the front door! Now that's a reason to dance!


Have you ever danced?


No, not at a party, not with your beau, but with your Lord.


You may have noticed a few sweet songs playing in the background. They are a few of my favorite dance tunes.

Nothing would suit Him more than to have this dance with you!

Go ahead, you don't have to be dressed up, no make up...
you see, He loves you just as you are.


You are His prize.


The apple of His eye.


Go ahead, let yourself fall into His strong, caring arms. Those cares and worries you've been carting around for too long... will melt away as He leads you in the dance of your life.

Before you know it, you too will have your favorite songs that are just between you and Him.


Gotta go ~ they are playing our song!

Friday, February 6, 2009

An over inflated ego and/or the squeaky wheel

Sorry to start out the same way again this week, but God continues to use Beth Moore over and over. I promise I don't limit myself to just her studies!
In a recent lesson this is what she wrote...

"God always trumps Satan.

Never picture the two of them

as equal but opposite authorities."*

Now when I read that it caused quite a ruckus in my heart.
How about yours?

Satan with his oh-so big picture of who he is may have distorted your view of how big your God is. It is true that the squeaking wheel always gets the oil. There have been times in my life when he really did get the oil. Once a whole bottle of it! Anointing oil that is. Probably not what he had in mind.

After reading the words penned by Beth, I started thinking how big is our God and how small is the devil. I just started thinking and wondering...

If all the carpet in my house represented the vastness of God, would Satan even be one strand?
If God was the Grand Canyon, would Satan be as big as the smallest pebble?
If God was the Andes Mountains, would Satan even be a leaf off of one tree?

We could go on and on... but you get the point. We have no earthly idea how big our GOD IS!

Satan is always tootin' his own horn and because he has such a big mouth (Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. I Peter 5:8). He knows if he can distract us and turn our focus to him, we'll forget who we are in Christ, we'll forget the power that we have through Christ, we'll forget that God is for us and not against us.

So, if the Devil has you in a tailspin over something going on in your life...
Be reminded of all the times God has been there for you in the past. Henry Blackaby refers to them as spiritual markers (Experiencing God). Remember when you trusted Him for your salvation. Go back into His Word and remember all the times you have had with Him. Let His love wash over you fresh and new.

Here is a little something I learned from another one of my favorite Bible teachers (see, I told you there were others), Andrew Womack...

"don't tell your God about your problem -

tell your problem about your God!"

I like that!
Our God is more than we can imagine.

It's a good thing we get new stuff when we get to heaven. Because I am convinced that our brains won't be able to contain the vastness of His glory and majesty when we get our first glimpse.

Oh how I hope that if when you started reading this today and were a little or a lot overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life, that as this post draws to a close... God has lifted your spirits, your hopes. That you have sensed Him speaking a truth over you. A truth that says HE IS ABLE.

In addition to BEth, Henry and Andrew, I have also discovered Louie Giglio. Be reminded of the Great God we serve...

* Esther, It's Tough Being A Woman . p73