I was sharing with Martha today about grants and such at our inaugural prayer meeting. Realizing what a booger they can be. Being at MTCC over the years I have seen them come and go. Each perhaps intertwined with another, but no matter how related they may be, they each have their own grueling set of hoops to jump through.
On one of my visits to Atlanta, I had asked Mary Frances if they wrote a lot of grants. Her answer was a real shocker to me. "No, none." It was almost unthinkable that a non-profit could survive or be sustained without them... for such is the way of the world.
But thanks be to our Lord... we are not of that mindset.
I have given it a try or two, or three or more. God did bless us and encourage our hearts greatly when we received almost $10,000 from the Spartanburg Christian Community Foundation for Bibles and other materials in 2007.
So, as Martha and I were sharing before we started praying, she pulled out her Fasting Journal by Franklin Jentzen, turned to the back and started reading. We each had our pens and new journals for the journey (provided by Martha) ready and that's when it happened.
After she finished reading, I realized we had what amounts to our first grant request (working under our own 501c3).
Maybe if God has called you to something much bigger than yourself, you can use our grant formula. For sure I will let you know how it turns out for us!GRANT us your favor.
GRANT us courage.
GRANT us clearly understood words.
GRANT us "Saving" grace (when God comes in and saves the day).
GRANT us a belief in the impossible.
GRANT us humility.
GRANT us faith.
GRANT us PUSHing power (to pray or praise until something happens).
GRANT us open doors.
GRANT us Your Strength and not our own.
GRANT us light for the pathway.
So that shall be our request for this day and this time.
And before I forget, Martha sent me this after she returned home...
GRANT: to give what is asked, to allow; to give or confer (as a right of
ownership) by formal act or by writing to agree... This
is the best part... a gift, especially land or rights given by a
government, or a gift of money.
I'll be sharing more about unique ways that you can pray for Wellspring if you have a heart and mind to. And please if God leads you to pray in another way... let me know!
And before i forget... if you are tired and thirsty and looking for some refreshment, you too can experience the GREAT MOUNTAIN of GOD... aka THE COVE... with MARTHA... Duncan First has space available for their March 5th & 6th ladies retreat. You may never be the same. You know according to His WORD... He likes to GRANT things on those mountains! For more info 439-7528.
See you soon!