Sunday, March 15, 2015

Maybe it's Your Turn!

Do you feel like God’s up to something but not sure what? 

Then why not go ahead and order you a ticket to Living Proof Live with BethMoore and Travis Cottrell… but only if you dare be so adventurous.

You see, back in the spring of 2003, I knew God was calling me to a fast. Not one, three or seven days, but it seemed like it was destined to be forty days.  Call me crazy, but I agreed.  I talked with my husband, Ray, who insisted I talk to our family physician about it too. 

So off I went into the wild blue yonder of fasting and praying.  I had asked a handful of people to pray for me during the fast; did they ever.  It was easier than I imagined it would be. Even preparing meals for my family to eat wasn’t a problem. I made it all the way to day twenty-one and all of a sudden I was hungry and sensed God was saying it was long enough. I was almost scared to eat that day.  I set a place for me at the table and asked for forgiveness if I had totally missed what was going on.  As I placed that first bite in my mouth, Jaci Valesquez started singing “God So Loved” on the radio and I knew it was indeed what He had asked me to do; so ended my twenty-one days with water and juice.

I had fasted before, but it was always a fast I had gone into over something specific.  I had no idea what this fast was about.  I think God just wanted to see if my heart and ears were in tune.

Fast forward to the summer of 2003…God put a prayer on my heart. 

Out of the blue with no prior warning; there He was spilling words out of my mouth and tendering my heart for a certain people group.

The infamous phone call in late September… 

“We have three extra tickets to Beth Moore this weekend if you know anyone who might be interested.”  Did I know anyone?  Yes, me!  
So off Christine, Madonna and I went, clueless that anything out of the ordinary awaited us.

But then Saturday morning happened.  

Before the morning session started a group of ladies came out and danced to “Shackles” by Mary Mary.  After they danced, Beth Moore shared  how to become a Christ follower.  

While Beth was in the back of the auditorium with those who had said “yes” to Christ that morning, my friends went to the book store and left me there unattended.  

I looked over to my left and there sat the only person I knew in Atlanta, Brenda Kelling; she and her family had recently moved to Atlanta.  In conversation I asked if they had found a church home. 
She replied that they had and that she was her church’s representative to Wellspring Living.  
The only thing I knew about Wellspring was the ladies that danced were from Wellspring.  
So it seemed like a sensible question to ask if Brenda’s church was going to have a dance ministry. Right?

Watch out, here it comes… (the God set up)…

“Oh no” said Brenda.
“Those ladies that danced onstage this morning used to dance in strip clubs and now they are dancing for the Lord.”

 Did she say strip club? 

Yes she did.

I didn’t say another word to Brenda.  

I just began to cry and went back to my seat.  

My only response, “Lord if that’s why you put that prayer in my mouth and those ladies in my heart, I’ll do whatever it is you are calling me to do.  I don’t know what it is; I don’t have the experience, the money or anything else to do it with.” 
“I do have two hands and two feet to follow, so where ever you lead, I will go.”

So here I am years later, still following and still believing. 
He is still leading and it’s been an amazing faith walk.

And do you know what?  

It really didn’t have a thing to do with Beth Moore.  

It wasn’t about anything she said or did. 

It was about the presence of a mighty God.

So go ahead and order that ticket… He’ll be waiting there for you!

And by the way, Beth and Travis might just have a word for you too!

Beth & Travis will be in Greenville, July 10th & 11th... and so will I!

 Take a walk on the wild side and join us there, God has something in store for you!