We started a new series at Milestones yesterday called "SAY". It's a three week series about the power our words hold. Some for good, some for bad.
Before the service started we were treated to Jeremy Haines' rendition of "Say" by John Mayer.
Our pastor's wife, Brenda, started week one with a very transparent message about a missed opportunity or two to say the right thing. You can see for yourself. (click on Milestones above) But be fore-warned, grab a Kleenex or two.
I could really appreciate all of what Brenda spoke about, especially after watching Secretariat.
We watched it Saturday night, before "SAY" started the following day.
As Ray and I watched the movie, we were at the part where you could tell that Jack Tweedy finally understood and appreciated all that his wife, Penny, had been working toward. I guess you could say "he saw the light". It was right about that time that someone did see the light. Not on the screen but in real life. Mine. Ray said, "you know, I don't think I've ever told you how proud I am of you and all that you are doing and have done over the past few years."
It was right about then that I couldn't tell you what was happening with the Tweedy's and the Chennery's. All I knew was that my man had just hit a home run! I was well aware of how he's not real fond of other things associated with starting a ministry and going here and there to speak. But proud of me... I had no idea.
So when Brenda spoke about not with holding good that others need to hear... AMEN!
Is there someone in your life that you need to say a good word to?
Well, for Pete's sake... SAY IT!
It will make their day, and you might be surprised how good it will make you feel too!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Just Say IT For Pete's Sake!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Monday, February 14, 2011
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