Friday, July 22, 2011


Heaven help, because I cannot even remember how long ago it was that I first participated in“Believing God” written by Beth Moore. The first time I did it, it was only available on line (and still is). We didn't even have a computer at home. So when I finished a lesson, I would go to an unnamed location (don't want to incriminate the guilty party here) and listen on line to the video.

It was several years later that Stacy Stokes led a Believing God study at Wellford Baptist. It was one that I loved so much, I did it again.

One assignment we had during the study was to have some sort of blue bracelet on our right arm. The scripture reference for the bracelet comes from Numbers 15:37-39.

The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'Throughout
the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments,
with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so
you will remember all the commands of the LORD, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes.

I’m not really sure what my first bracelet looked like. Stacy made my second bracelet. It was a blue cord with some blue beads on it. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find my first one. I know for sure where No. 2 is. I also remember wearing it until it broke off my arm.

So there went my blue bracelets.

In 2007 I met Betty at The Cove. She’s part of the Sista Group that makes a yearly pilgrimage to the Cove in January. It’s a very small and intimate group. The first year that I was invited to go, I barely knew any of the women and have to say I went kicking and screaming. I kept telling the Lord that I had enough girlfriends and didn’t need any new ones. Then I realized that it wasn’t about the girlfriends as much as it was about me and Him… the girlfriends were like the dessert with the main course.

I was impressed that Betty had a blue bracelet on. It had been several years since the study had made it’s rounds, so I knew she had worn it for a while.

Year two, Betty still had on her blue bracelet.

Year three, Betty still had on her blue bracelet.

Year four, I was not able to go to The Cove.

Betty and me year one... snowing!

I did recently see Betty. It was two days before her faith became her sight. Two days before she came face to face with her sweet Savior. Her days of believing were over.
She believed in Him and believed Him until her dying day.

I couldn't see her bracelet when I visited her in the ICU. They had what appeared to be boxing gloves over her hands to keep her from disturbing all the vital accessories that she was now adorned with.

But I knew it was there. They had tried to take it off of her wrist when she was admitted.
It didn't work. She refused. I am thankful.

Betty was an inspiration to anyone who ever met her. She had health problems, but that never quenched her irrepressible spirit. I only, ever spent four weekends with her. But knowing her has changed my life.

So for today and all of my tomorrows I plan on having some sort of blue something or other on my right wrist. Why? Because I was believing God then for some mighty big things. I still am.

How about you.
Did you believe God for something and give up or decide it wasn't coming your way?
Or… did your bracelet just break?

Ray and I were in Charleston when I received the news about Betty. From then on, I knew that before we came home I would have me a new bracelet.

God IS Who He says HE IS
God can do what HE says HE will do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
God's WORD is alive and active in me

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's not a four letter word...

We often need to slow down and yield to oncoming traffic.

Mostly we need to slow down and yield to the Holy Spirit.

It is in our own best interest to do both.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Missing the Mark

How many sermons have we heard about that very subject? Lots would be my guess. And through those we understand that is what sin is... missing the mark.

After reading the book Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan, I feel that is exactly what we as Christ followers and churches have done. Most of us have read the great commission in Matthew 28.

We often refer to it as the Good News...

In Christianity, the Gospel, good news, Evangelion, or Evangelium (from Koine
Greek euangĂ©lion — also translated as "gospel", "glad tidings" and variants) is
the message of Jesus, the Christ (the Messiah), specifically the coming Kingdom
of God, his atoning death on the cross and resurrection, the descent of the Holy
Spirit at Pentecost as "helper" (paraclete), and the resulting promise and hope
of salvation for the faithful.

How many sermons have been spent on anything but the message of the cross?

No wonder Billy Graham is so famous. That's all he does is preach that message. Yes, i know he's an evangelist and that's what they do. So, if Billy's not able to do it anymore, who will take up his mantle and evangelize. According to Matthew, it comes down to you and to me.

So, if you have found yourself reading this post... would you order the free book, read it and allow so many truths speak to your heart?

If you are not moved to action in your own personal life, ask God why.

If you don't find yourself questioning certain things about your own life and subtle lies that have woven themselves into your very being, ask God why.

If you find yourself moved to action, convicted about those subtle lies.... celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit and make some changes.

It is after all the Good News and deserves to be shared!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simple but true.

Many years ago… many I say. I was listening to Mickey Bonner preach on a cassette tape. I cannot tell you exactly what his subject was, but I do remember thinking how sad that I would believe the lies of the devil over the promises of my Savior. Now, that my fiends is a sad state to be in. But don’t we most often live our lives that way? Fearful, scared and defeated because we’ve been tricked into believing that we aren’t worthy or because of something we’ve done that surely God wouldn’t do what we need Him to.

You may know that smack dab in the middle of all that has been going on with Wellspring that I also had a daughter getting married. I remember exactly where I was when I prayed a prayer of provision over Jennifer’s (daughter #1 to get married, no, I did not say #1 daughter ) wedding. It was the day Tim was going to propose, and I asked God to allow us to give her a very nice wedding that we could afford. He did. I was working full time and Ray worked more over time that year than ever before, or since.

Fast forward to 2010. I work six days a week. Five volunteering for Wellspring and one paid at Middle Tyger (THANK YOU WANDA!). Ray has a great job that he loves, but it’s less pay and absolutely no overtime.
So I prayed the same prayer again.

For many weeks, there were a lot of tossing and turning during the night because I would wake up trying to figure out how something would be accomplished be it wedding or Wellspring. I’d be so worried, my stomach would be on fire. Every time I would wake up fearful, I would get the sweetest assurance that God had it all covered and would be able to go back to sleep.

During the middle of all of this Milestones Church started an inter-active series on prayer. Week one, we wrote down our greatest need and placed it on the alter. Week one was especially sweet because the focus of the sermon was the first miracle of Christ, which of course took place at a wedding.

Week two, Doc preached and during the service we wrote a letter to the Lord. People around me during this series must have thought I was either most sinful or dying. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much during a church service.

I had several options going on here… one, I could get a second job. I guess it would have had to have been from midnight on to squeeze it in. Two, we could ask our parents for a loan, or three, we could charge a lot of it. I could work it out. But I knew that would not be me allowing Jesus to answer my prayers. So I decided to be still and hopefully see the salvation of the Lord over this great need in our life.

By the time week three rolled around, I had once again looked at the savings account balance. Gripped by fear and doubt as I was ironing my clothes for church I confessed these words out loud to the Lord… “Jesus, I don’t see how YOU are going to make this work. I just don’t see it happening. But thankfully, I cannot see all that YOU can. Not only do I believe You can do this great thing in our life… I BELIEVE YOU WILL!” Off to church we went. I could not wait to get there to see what our inter-activity would be today. Surely I was not to be disappointed. Hub had a variety of subjects that were written down during week one. When he called one of them out we were asked to stand if God had answered a prayer for us concerning that subject. Then if you had a need in that area, those standing were asked to go and surround those in need and pray. It may have been my favorite church experience to date.

As the week progressed and I looked at our savings balance again, I cried, I jumped up and down and called a friend. I vowed to her that if He did what it looked like He was going to do, I would take my extra-large white worship flag and wave it at the reception as a way of giving credit where credit is due.

Well…. HE DID IT!!

It was the day before the wedding when I realized what the song choice was to be.

I Bless Your Name by Selah. It was these words which I could relate to so well…

In prisoner’s chains with bleeding stripes
Paul and Silas prayed that night
And in their pain began to see
Their chains were loosed and they were free

I bless your name
I bless your name
I give you honor, give you praise
You are the life, the truth, the way
I bless your name

Some midnight hour if you should find
You’re in a prison of your mind
Reach out praise, defy those chains
And they will fall in Jesus’ name

I bless your name
I bless your name
I give you honor, give you praise
You are the life, the truth, the way
I bless your name

I was a little worried about stealing any thunder from the newly wed couple. It turned out they decided to leave the reception a little early. As we all made our way back in after seeing the happy couple off, I grabbed the mike and said since the bride had left the building it was now my party and I would like to thank the Lord for making it all possible. Not exactly the speech I had planned, but I think they all understood when the flag unfurled. Jennifer said one time while this was going on Jarrad (our wedding photographer) was laying on the floor to get the best shot of the flag. Thank goodness he has known me all his life, so he may have not been too surprised.

By the next afternoon Sarah called to inquire about this grand display… “what are you talking about?” Her friends that were still there had posted a few pics on Facebook. Well, I guess that would be better than seeing them pop up without warning on the wedding photo site!

Mickey Bonner, I think I got it this time. As my friend Samuel said…
“thus far God has helped us”.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just Say IT For Pete's Sake!

We started a new series at Milestones yesterday called "SAY". It's a three week series about the power our words hold. Some for good, some for bad.

Before the service started we were treated to Jeremy Haines' rendition of "Say" by John Mayer.


Our pastor's wife, Brenda, started week one with a very transparent message about a missed opportunity or two to say the right thing. You can see for yourself. (click on Milestones above) But be fore-warned, grab a Kleenex or two.

I could really appreciate all of what Brenda spoke about, especially after watching Secretariat.

We watched it Saturday night, before "SAY" started the following day.

As Ray and I watched the movie, we were at the part where you could tell that Jack Tweedy finally understood and appreciated all that his wife, Penny, had been working toward. I guess you could say "he saw the light". It was right about that time that someone did see the light. Not on the screen but in real life. Mine. Ray said, "you know, I don't think I've ever told you how proud I am of you and all that you are doing and have done over the past few years."

It was right about then that I couldn't tell you what was happening with the Tweedy's and the Chennery's. All I knew was that my man had just hit a home run! I was well aware of how he's not real fond of other things associated with starting a ministry and going here and there to speak. But proud of me... I had no idea.

So when Brenda spoke about not with holding good that others need to hear... AMEN!

Is there someone in your life that you need to say a good word to?

Well, for Pete's sake... SAY IT!
It will make their day, and you might be surprised how good it will make you feel too!

Friday, January 14, 2011

State of the Way Things Are Address

Here it is another new year, another chance to look back and reflect on any progress since this time last year. Great strides were made! Great strides indeed. On one hand.

On the other... a reminder of how far we still have to go.

Nothing has reminded me of that or shown me the urgency to do this thing like recent events.

Let's go back to the summer of 2010. You may remember that we had a fun time with the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilt". The ladies from the Lyman Quilters donated a beautiful quilt that traveled to various churches throughout the summer with the drawing held during the Beth Moore Simulcast in the fall.

The name was drawn and I knew without a shadow of doubt that God had chosen our winner. We had our pictures taken together and I had every intention of posting the picture and the name of our winner on our blog and website. It was right in the middle of working on the store and it was one of those things I never got around to.

This was what our winner shared in an email...
I would like you to know that I have been praying for awhile for the Lord to lead me in the right direction of the ministry that I would be the most effective in leading people to Christ. I know, without a doubt, that He spoke to me yesterday. I prayed throughout the day yesterday as well as today, and I know this is the direction he is leading me in . I know if it wasn't for the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ picking me up out of the mire and muck I was in for years of my life I would probably be dead. I am a recovering drug addict. I come from a past of sexual abuse, and I was on drugs for years as well as prostitution. I had one thing going for me... I had an aunt who was a praying Christian. God heard her prayers and showed me mercy. I have been through it all, I have even done prison time, but God delivered me from a life of bondage and sin. I have quiet a story to tell and God wants me to use my testimony to reach others. I am grateful that I am not another statistic today. All the glory goes to God .

Even though I didn't post her name or picture anywhere, I remembered her name and had her name and number om my volunteer "to call" list. While sitting here sipping coffee early one morning, I heard her name and then saw her face on the news.

If only I had taken time to call her... if only the Wellspring residential home was already here...

...if only

Praise be to the Lord of all Creation who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all my missed opportunities, my too busy schedule and what seem to me to be insurmountable odds on many fronts. Hallelujah You can see what I cannot!