YAY TEAM! We did it! We did not quiet make the $2000 goal, but we did reach our project goal. Our hope was to raise enough money for a specific project. We could actually buy two if we needed to, but since we don't, we have enough to purchase many more needed items to get the store up and running.
Sincere thanks to all who sold tickets, who purchased tickets, who came to eat or serve. Added thanks to those who did any of the above and THEN made a donation to the tip jar too!
FATZ CAFE on Pottery Road in Spartanburg could not have been a better host. Chris Anderson and his staff made us feel right at home.
A shout out to our kitchen and wait-staff/hosts and hostesses... pictured above are (front row) Donna Dawkins, Kim Williams, HG Hall, Christine Hall, Jill Green, Dana Stout, (back row) Cindy Denhard, Larry Armstrong, D'Anunzio Smith, Marie Brewer, Jami Crisman, Susan High & Doug Williams. We had other volunteers that are not pictures that we would also like to give a shout out to... Cindy Cantrell, Jodi Burnett, Sonia Burnett and Mary (Cindy's sister - whose name I'll post later!)
Most special thanks to Christ Jesus for being a MAN of HIS WORD. During our Broken to Beautiful Conference in October 2007 just a block away from Fazt at the Spartanburg Expo Center, these were the words I received during our communion... "I want to provide for your needs. I want you to trust me enough to say with confidence, "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." (Psalm 23:1)
Well, I have to tell you He has been doing that right and left like crazy lately. Which leads me to believe that Wellspring Living SC is an idea (plan from above) whose time has come! It so feels like we are experiencing the "YES" of God right now!
And can I say... it feels great!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Breakfast Club
Posted by Wellspring SC on Monday, October 18, 2010
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