Monday, January 13, 2014

Much ado about nothing... or was it?

If you have visited our website in the past, you may have seen our pictures and read about those thirty- something crazy people marching around a house seven times because it seemed like they were supposed to.

Feeling like God had led us to the house back on 2007 as what would become the Wellspring Living|SC residential home.  We have prayed, hoped, dreamed, prayed and then we marched.  It really seemed like the natural thing to do after reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.

So last week we found out that our "dream house" SOLD.  


Or not.

You see, it's not over 'til God says it's over.  As Mark Batterson says... "God always has a holy surprise up His sovereign sleeve."  So to me, it may look like it's a done deal, and maybe it is.  But I'll wait until I get the official WORD from above.

Why would you be so silly, you may ask.  As I thought about not always knowing the end of the story, I am reminded of a time back in the early days of 2003.

I wasn't sure why, but  I really felt led to fast for forty days.  Prayed about it, talked to Ray (my husband) about it. He insisted that I go talk to *Dr. Johnson about it.  I did and he encouraged me to be smart and listen to my body.  So it began, and it was something I am so glad I did.  On Day 21, I felt a very strong sense that I was supposed to end my fast.  As I set the table for my family, I set a plate for me too.  I looked at the meal and realized it was an exact duplicate of the last meal I had eaten before I began the fast.  Country style steak, black-eyed peas, cole-slaw, rice and corn bread.  
As I lifted the fork to my mouth, I stopped and said "Lord are you sure?" We always had His Radio playing in the kitchen and dining area and as I placed the first bite on my tongue, Jaci Velasquez began singing "God So Loved the World" and I knew I had heard and I had obeyed.  God and I had had many a moment with that song.  I had even asked Him a very personal question about that song.  I knew He had heard and had lovingly answered.

It wasn't my first fast.  It was my longest.  When I had fasted before, I had fasted for specific reasons.
This time was different.  After it ended I still had no idea why.

In the fall of 2003 I received three last minute tickets to see Beth Moore in Atlanta (surely you've heard that story!)

It was probably sometime in 2005 when I was cleaning out some things and I came across several journal entries and notes of encouragement from a few friends who knew I was fasting that I realized that the fast came (the obedience) and then the call came... all in the same year.  I can only surmise that God was wondering, or maybe He wanted me to know that I was willing to do whatever He asked.

So ya' see, I thought the fast was the end of the story.  Who knew it was the beginning!

So the sign might say "SOLD", and their may be a new owner in town... 
BUT (God is sovereign) God hasn't said "GIVE IT UP GIRLFRIEND!"

*It was Dr. J's house!  How funny is God?!