How many sermons have we heard about that very subject? Lots would be my guess. And through those we understand that is what sin is... missing the mark.
After reading the book Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan, I feel that is exactly what we as Christ followers and churches have done. Most of us have read the great commission in Matthew 28.
We often refer to it as the Good News...
In Christianity, the Gospel, good news, Evangelion, or Evangelium (from KoineHow many sermons have been spent on anything but the message of the cross?
Greek euangĂ©lion — also translated as "gospel", "glad tidings" and variants) is
the message of Jesus, the Christ (the Messiah), specifically the coming Kingdom
of God, his atoning death on the cross and resurrection, the descent of the Holy
Spirit at Pentecost as "helper" (paraclete), and the resulting promise and hope
of salvation for the faithful.
No wonder Billy Graham is so famous. That's all he does is preach that message. Yes, i know he's an evangelist and that's what they do. So, if Billy's not able to do it anymore, who will take up his mantle and evangelize. According to Matthew, it comes down to you and to me.
So, if you have found yourself reading this post... would you order the free book, read it and allow so many truths speak to your heart?
If you are not moved to action in your own personal life, ask God why.
If you don't find yourself questioning certain things about your own life and subtle lies that have woven themselves into your very being, ask God why.
If you find yourself moved to action, convicted about those subtle lies.... celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit and make some changes.
It is after all the Good News and deserves to be shared!