You know there are some things that are so precious in life you have to hold onto them very tightly. Right? That's true if it's your skirt on a windy day, or maybe an umbrella when it's pouring rain.
But what about something really dear, say a family member, or the hopes and dreams you've been praying over for years. I have found out that the best place for all that is not in our hands at all. When we grip "our stuff" with all we have, there's no way to receive all the things that need to come our way. You know.. like the answer to our prayers.
I guess the first time I really learned that was was back when, standing on our front porch around two a.m. To anyone passing by or peeping out their window, I probably looked more like a lunatic howling at the moon. But what else is there to do when you don't know what else to do? So that morning I was trying to figure out just what direction to face to sing my praise to the face of God. That was back before the days of the ipod. So it was just me and my voice singing "Shout to the Lord" from a broken and weary heart. As I turned to go back inside, it was like God whispered to my heart, "give him to me completely, and live from this time forth like I have answered your prayer."
Wow! If you have never tried it, let me strongly suggest it. You have no idea how great it feels to be out from under the load. That was probably nine years ago. I am still living like it's been done. And let me tell you - the day it is you will know it! I may even rent a bill board on 85! The one thing that has made it easy not to pick it back up is quite simply... the WORD of God.
I bet if counted the many words of confirmation He has given me, it would amaze even me.
Recently, you have heard me talk about my trips to the Cove with me kicking and screaming. Mainly, because I had a prayer group and I wasn't in the market for a new one. But this past Saturday, the Cove Sista's were going to get together to surprise Martha with a few goodies for her upcoming mission trip to Africa. As the week progressed, it seemed as though many of the group were under attack. So we gave up breakfast at the Cracker Barrel for a lengthy prayer time instead. Our time together was a joyous time. As I sat in this circle, I was so glad I had let go of the notion that my heart was only big enough for one group. When God whispered the name "Susan" to Martha, she went to another friend first, but the other friend said God didn't mean her. During a conversation that Martha and I had, God whispered "this Susan". Oh Praise His Name! I let go of a few and now I have a whole bunch! God multiplied, made it immeasurably more!
Just last week, I let go of another dream. THE HOUSE. Not the whole idea of Wellspring, but I let go of Dr. J's house. I know there is another ministry looking at the home. It would be a home for African orphans. So there, I released that into the Lord's hands too. If I can trust him with my precious son, my prayer group, I know I can more than trust Him with this. Whatever He allows to occupy Dr. J's home will be awesome.
So, are your knuckles white because of what you're holding on to? Maybe, it's time for you to think about letting go, and trusting God with all your stuff!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Letting go
Posted by Wellspring SC on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mine eyes have seen the glory!
This past week our family joined together to share our memories and console one another as we said goodbye to one great lady. We knew her as Grandma Margaret around our house. Once upon a time I was married to her oldest son, Phillip. He died at the age of 34, in 1984. I always admired the way she handled his death. I know her heart was more broken than mine. After all, she was his mom. But you know, she never showed her grief to me. The only thing I remember seeing was that she carried on for her grand kids who had lost their dad. Jenn was only 6 and PJ was not yet 3. It was a hard time for sure.
Then in 1986, I married Ray. In 1988, Sarah was born. Margaret and the rest of the family accepted Ray and Sarah as if they had been born into their family. Isn't that so like God? In the past few years I came to realize that it may have been easy for Margaret to turn a hard heart toward Sarah. After all, look at what had been taken that allowed her to be here.
But, Margaret loved her, and held nothing back.
I never told her, but I was so thankful that she loved Sarah with her whole heart. Who knows, maybe Sarah helped piece her own heart together a little bit more than it had been.
It was right before Margaret's funeral began that I got a glimpse of the Glory of the Lord.
This is how it came about~
My little grandson Sam was in my arms. He had folded his little program into a cylinder that he referred to as his trumpet. We walked over toward PJ and Sam began to say these words..."The LORD
your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
To an untrained soul, that might just appear as a little kid rambling on and being silly. But to someone who believes God is at work in all things, it was music to my ears and my heart.
1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him."
Now it doesn't say that we won't see, hear or understand some things until we get to heaven. I think we need to be on the lookout at all times. Because we serve a God who can make it thunder and lightening during a snow storm! Who knew?
He can do anything.
He can use anyone. Even a little 3 year old to proclaim His word.
I believe that His Word did not return back to Him on Sunday afternoon until it accomplished His purpose. From the foundation of the world God had a purpose for Zephaniah 3:17 on Sunday, March 1, 2009.
I am just glad that God allowed me to witness it.
So be on guard, look for Him in all situations, in all places, from all people!
And by the way... happy birthday Phillip.
Posted by Wellspring SC on Thursday, March 05, 2009 0 comments