A good while back my pastor friend, John Moore encouraged us do be very intentional as we prayed. One suggestion was that we choose a specific time every day to pray about the same thing. So for a long time I prayed for two things for two minutes every day at 1:00 (lunch). I would go to the back of our building and lean against the brick wall. Every day I would pray for a friends salvation and I would also pray for the forgiveness of another friend.
I would like to share of God's faithfulness to those prayers.
I'll start with the forgiveness story. It is after all, one of my very favorite stories!
I had wounded a very good friend with what I thought was good reason. I felt very justified in what I had said to her. I knew what I had spoken was truth, but true or not... maybe I shouldn't have said it. My friend Christine even worked up the gumption to come and talk to me about it. Still I was hard hearted and thought I was right in my opinion. The truth is, it may have been true, but did I need to say it in the tone and the time that I did? Ummmm... looking back, that would be a big fat "NO"! So, finally, I realized that my friendship was extremely severed with my precious friend. Now let me say, she wasn't just a friend. She was a heart friend. The one you fall in love with the moment you meet her and you love her with all you heart. The kind of friend if you don't see her for a long time, it's just like yesterday when you do see her. Well, I called my friend and told her I was sorry and asked her to forgive me. She said she would. But I could tell by her tone that the day she forgave me would be a very cold day in you-know-where.
So, every day that was one of my prayers. And I prayed, and I prayed and I prayed.
It was at a Beth Moore conference in Columbia. It was Beth's first time in our area. So far back that she was actually in a church and not an arena. As our group settled into our seats I looked directly across the sanctuary and guess who was sitting right there in front of me.
There we sat Friday night, Saturday morning trying not to get caught looking at each other. As the last service was coming to a close, my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I looked and faithful Christine had dropped slam out of sight. She was down on her knees praying. I jumped two pews and almost ran to get to my friend. As I rounded the last corner, I looked up and to my surprise... there she was, running to me. We stood there hugging and kissing and hugging some more. Every time I hear the song that was playing, I think of God's faithfulness to redeem all things, even things said in haste to an already wounded heart.
Then there was the prayer of salvation. I knew my friend needed prayer. Not knowing what all he needed, it seemed that his salvation would be the most important thing I could pray for. So every day he was my second prayer at 1:00.
One day I received a call from P.J. saying his friend was in trouble and they needed help. I went by and picked up my pastor friend, John, and we went to see what help we could offer.
That was one of the saddest days of my life. My friends life had ended. It became mine and John's job to tell his family.
That was hard.
But God is good.
The night after my friends death, I woke up with two very specific scriptures that seemed to be amplified in my head.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is
~Hebrews 10:23
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his
glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior
be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before
all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.~Jude1:23-25
I knew in my heart that God was letting me know that my friend was with Him.
It's always good to remember those times in our lives when God's hand was so visible in our lives. I hope you have sweet memories of times when He was there in such satisfying moments with you too.
I would like to encourage you to do the two-for-two-at-one.
You can make your own formula.
But try it.. you'll like it!
If you need something to pray about... I would humbly ask that if you have time that you pray a prayer for Wellspring Living SC. I wouldn't presume to tell you what to pray, because that might limit what you would pray.
It is always an honor to know that you think of us, pray for us and encourage us in the many ways that we do.
Here are the lyrics that was playing that day in Columbia... way back when...
Thank You, Lord by Dennis Jernigan
For all that You've done, I will thank
For all that You're going to do
For all that You've promised
all that You are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus I thank You
And I thank You
Thank You Lord
And I thank You
Thank You Lord
Thank You for loving and setting me free
Thank You for giving Your life
just for me
How I thank You
Jesus, I thank You
Gracefully thank You
Thank You