This shipment contained many translations of God's Word. I could imagine our girls digging in deep and wanting to know all they could. That they will grasp hold of the Truth of how they are loved by God and the Truth of who they are in Christ. It was a sweet moment. It made me hungry to wrap my arms around them and start loving on them.He sent forth his word and healed them;
he rescued them from the grave.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Taste and see
Posted by Wellspring SC on Sunday, March 30, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Time out...
Today, I'll take a different position. Instead of sharing news or prayer request, today I simply and humbly ask you to join with us as we worship our Lord. If you cannot open the You Tube version to the left, try God Tube .
We are so thankful to be a part of His family. Worship Him fresh and new today!
We love you Lord!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Paul Harvey of it all
So here is the story of the step I took yesterday. I had looked at a house last week. When I first Googled directions, I knew it was close by, but did not recognize the street name. As I got closer to it's location, I realized that I know whose house it is.
When I walked in through the front door all I could do was cry. God's spirit was so sweet and His presence was very evident. As we walked through the house it seemed that it would be the perfect location, house, setting. If God has an Ephesians 3:20 on this one... I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE IT!
So my step was talking to the owner. I was really glad I had known the person for over 20 years. They already knew I was crazy, so they weren't caught off guard. It reminded me of the day that Geraldine and I went to Atlanta to meet Mary Frances. God blessed us both.
Their realtor had shared with them what the interested party wanted to use the house for. The wife cried upon hearing.
It was a blessed meeting and I can't wait to see what God does from this point.
And of course when I got home and checked the mail, there was a card from my sweet friend Martha. Here is a small portion of what she had written...God is reminding me to pray for "The Great House of God." He had friends praying before I ever asked.
I felt like a toddler who is struggling to take that first step. I knew my Abba Father was there right in front of me with His arms stretched toward me all the while saying ... "come on Susan, you can do it!"
Woo- hoo thank you Lord for arms to fall in to! For steps taken and that your Glory is always there all along!
Maybe you are tottering on the edge of a step He has called you to. Be blessed as you put that foot out into the wild blue yonder!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yes, God does have a sense of humor!
Today at 12:37 right before I left home for my 1:00 appointment I headed to my bedroom. I wanted to get face down before the Lord and just be still and worship Him before I left home. I decided to take my ipod and let Jesus pick the song for the moments together. I turned it on, selected shuffle songs and could not believe my ears when "Sometimes by Step" with Rich Mullins and Bebo Norman started playing. If you are not familiar with the song here is the chorus...
Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You I will seek You in the morning and I will learn to walk in Your ways and step by step You'll lead me and I will follow You all of my days ...
Posted by Wellspring SC on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 0 comments
If the shoe fits... you might as well wear it
Many years ago, me dear friend Tracy called me a weenie. I went to great lengths to reason with her why I was being smart and not putting myself in a position to choke on both my feet at once. On and on I rambled as to why I was not a weenie. Well, on Monday, March 17th during my morning prayer time I came face to face with the truth that I, indeed, am a weenie.
Time after time I have shared the Words that God has placed before me as a road map for the direction I am to take with Wellspring. Time after time I have waited on Him not only to open the doors he has set before me, but to pull me through from the other side. Or better yet send someone from the other side out and say "here lady, your order is ready". Where is the faith in that? It is so easy for me to believe that God is, that God will, that God has. Right after our Broken to Beautiful Conference was over, I started a solo journey of Discerning the Voice of God. Then in January we started attending Spartanburg Community Church. On into the month I started the Beth Moore Bible study Stepping Up. They all had one similar thread running through... what is your next step? I have known for months what a few of the ministry related next steps are. And here I confess to you as I confessed to the Lord yesterday... i am afraid.
I will be the first to shout what I believe from the roof tops, because I'm good at being loud. I can talk about the goodness and the greatness of God all day. I believe every word that I say. I do believe He will do what He has promised for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. I know He is faithful in His part. Then there is this little part He requires of me... the next step. Putting that foot through the doorway He has opened. Thankfully He has said no man can shut it or I would be in trouble for sure.
Something caught my eye the other day, a piece of hot pink paper on the side of my refrigerator. On it are the Words from Revelation 3:8... "I see what you've done. Now see what I've done. I've opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don't have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn't deny me when times were rough."
It's been there since August 2006.
Then there was the day at WBC when Allen shared a scripture during the morning prayer time.
Proverbs 21:1...The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases." (God actually gave that one again sitting with Madonna at El Molcajete one night)
Then there was this past weekend when God gave Matthew 7:7 not once, but twice..."Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
So friends... today - I AM TAKING A NEXT STEP!
Please pray against any fear on my part. God has gotten me through too many things for me to revert back to being that weenie!
I love you and wouldn't make it without your sweet prayer support!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Know that you know that you know!
I love reading and studying and finding nuggets of truth that resonate in my spirit. Don't you?
This was my latest discovery and I would like to encourage you with it...
Oh how I pray that is true for each of you who read this. Have you asked God for things? Do you know He is a God (the only one as a matter of fact) that responds to our hearts cry? Are you anxiously awaiting His response? I hope that your heart starts beating a little faster and an uncontrollable smile springs forth across your face. As someone once said to me... "a smile that Ajax wouldn't wash" off with the anticipation of His movement. I won't go into all the things that I know I already possess in my spirit... but, oh! the day that they become reality that I can wrap my arms around ! Woo - Hoo to the HIGHEST!"You don't have to wait until you see the answer with your senses to know that you possess it."
-Jennifer Kennedy Dean - Riches Stored in Secret Places
Trust Him in all things, believe Him for all things for He is worthy of your trust!
So... on to the most recent Wellspring Living SC happenings...
Today I spoke with a sweet sister from Charlotte who was in hopes that our particular WLSC location would be near Rock Hill so she could be involved. After we shared stories of God's movement, I am hoping she will be the one who will start a Wellspring in the Charlotte area. IS God grander than we think or what? A few months ago I felt like we would be part of the Wellspring NATION! Maybe you wonder is it really necessary. To quote a portion of Ephesians 3:20... more than you can imagine. The reported statistics are 1 of every 4 women and 1 of every 6 men were sexually abused as children. If that's what is reported, can we even fathom what the true statistics are? Join us as we pray for D.R. and that if it's God's calling on her life to be part of this, she will know without hesitation.
I also made a phone call to a young lady I met in Atlanta last August. When I met her, she had just returned from a 3 month stay in Cambodia where she worked with girls who had been rescued out of the sex slave industry. She has such a heart for the Wellspring girls we will one day serve. She has done an internship at the Atlanta home. I have invited her to be our first coach. We have not spoken other than voice mail. Please also pray for what will become of this.
- - - Just hard from her and she has once again been globetrotting for the Lord! She has such a sweet heart for young girls and women who have become victims of human trafficking. She was working with Nightlight Bangkok while she was away. She just accepted a position yesterday with a group in Atlanta. She will be a great advocate for the young women in Atlanta who have lived through horrors we cannot imagine.
So, there you go... just when you think you have God figured out and tried to stuff Him in a little box. No way. His plans far exceed my own. It just sounded like a plan that would work! Back to the drawing board A-G-A-I-N!
We are continuing to pursue board members.
I almost forgot! We have started looking at houses! That has been fun going into different places and seeing the potential. That goes back to our being prepared. It was decided that perhaps if someone had some money to give and asked how much we needed, we might have an educated starting point.
Oh be blessed today with a fresh view of His provision, feel it in your hearts, live a life of thankful worship before Him!
Love to you all!
Posted by Wellspring SC on Thursday, March 06, 2008 0 comments